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The flourishing of relations with Türkiye. Is it Algeria’s chance to get rid of French influence

Relations between Turkey and Algeria began during the Ottoman period with the Ottoman Empire’s conquest of Algeria in 1516. From this date, Algeria was considered a state subject to Ottoman rule. The Ottoman Empire ruled Algeria through local princes and subjected it to an administration centered in Istanbul. Later, Algeria became an important base for pirates in the Mediterranean who plundered European ships with the support of the Ottoman Empire. However, the weakness of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the eighteenth century and the increasing independence movements in Algeria had a negative impact on these relations. In 1830, the French invaded Algeria, ending Ottoman rule, and there was a serious stagnation and rupture in Turkish-Algerian relations during this period. Also, during the period 1830-1923, we will notice important events that will occur in Turkey and what will be Algeria’s position on that, and this is the goal of our research, which is to show the position of the two countries regarding the most important historical, political, and economic events for both countries and how that will affect the relationship between the two countries, and it will The two papers include an analytical method and the relations between the Ottoman Empire and Algeria, which generally took place in this way, are discussed below under different headings.


zet Bu makalede, Cezayir’in bağımsızlığından günümüze kadar izlediği kamu politikasını, ekonomik ve politik boyutları göz ardı etmeden, sosyal açıdan ele almaya çalıştık. Bu makale, kadınların kamu yaşamına katılımı konusunda arzu ettiğimiz değişimin, hükümetin performans düzeyine ve siyasi otoritelerin istekliliğine bağlı olduğunu öne süren bir hipotezi paylaşmaktadır. Makale ayrıca, Cezayir yetkililerinin, kadınların sosyo-politik ve ekonomik hayata katılımını sağlamak amacıyla hükümet planlarının hazırlanmasında toplumsal cinsiyet yaklaşımını dikkate alarak kadınların entegrasyonuna verdiği önemi tartışmaktadır. Analizimiz, demografik faktörler, eğitim ve okullaşma gibi değişim göstergelerine dayanmaktadır.


The relationship between Algeria and Turkey is not like a relationship between two countries, but rather it is different from that and is based on the historical aspect, which is the basic basis for the correct analysis of the relationship between two countries. In this research paper, the focus will be on the periods 1516-1830 and 1830-1923, which The most important political and economic events between Algeria and Turkey include the period of the French occupation of Algeria, and what is Turkey’s position, rather, the Ottoman Empire, on that, as well as the abolition of the Ottoman Empire and the emergence of the Turkish Republican state. The goal of this research paper is to analyze the events between the two countries, and as a result, to show how The relationship between the two countries.

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